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Tory MPs doubt success of same-sex marriage plans

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A new ComRes poll has found that a majority of Conservative MPs doubt whether the Government’s plans to legalise same-sex ‘marriage’ will succeed.

The poll, commissioned by the Coalition for Marriage campaign, revealed that 37 per cent of Tory MPs believe that the proposal to re-define marriage will fail, with a further 22 per cent saying that they were unsure what the outcome would be.

The survey of 154 MPs also found that:

  • 60% do not think that same-sex marriage is of ‘significant importance’ to their constituents.
  • 72% believe that the proposals will damage church-state relations.
  • 62% think that civil partners already have the same rights and privileges as married couples.

David Burrowes MP

David Burrowes, a Conservative MP who is a prominent supporter of traditional marriage, previously stated that levels of opposition to the introduction of same-sex marriage had taken ministers by surprise.

“There is a significant number of Members of Parliament, particularly Conservative Members of Parliament, who are concerned about whether we should legislate on marriage,” he said

Mr Burrowes MP previously commented that the proposals would "fracture" the institution of marriage.

“There are strong doubts that we need to go down this path. It would open up a can of worms and a legal minefield about freedom, religion and equalities legislation,” he said.

Widespread Opposition

The proposals have also been met with significant opposition from religious leaders across the country, with senior figures in the Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England insisting that marriage must remain the life-long union between one man and one woman.

Over 420,000 people have now signed a petition seeking to protect marriage, whereas a parallel petition supporting same-sex marriage has attracted just 30,000 signatures.

A previous poll by ComRes found that 57% of church-going Christians are ‘less likely to vote’ for the Conservative because of the Government’s plans, with 83% of stating that they were opposed to the introduction of same-sex marriages.

Not one single respondent claimed that this move would make them more disposed to vote Conservative.


Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, said:

“This new poll suggests that the Prime Minister is badly out of touch with his own MPs on this issue.

“Marriage should not be redefined under any circumstances. It is an institution that is vital to the well being of society.

“Marriage between a man and a woman should be protected because it is geared towards procreation and the raising of children, providing both a father and a mother acting in complementary roles. Many studies have confirmed that this gives children the best chance in life. This should be recognised and honoured by the State.”


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