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Parliamentary report on discrimination against Christians

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A report from a cross-party parliamentary group will be released this evening, after a 6-month inquiry into discrimination against Christians in public life.

The report, entitled ‘Clearing the Ground’, took evidence from a range of organisations and will suggest that some Christians have suffered difficulties because the interpretation of equality legislation has caused homosexual rights to take precedence over freedom of belief for Christians.

The report states that: “Critically, early indications from court judgments are that sexual orientation takes precedence and religious belief is required to adapt in the light of this. We see this as an unacceptable and unsustainable situation.”

Legal Cases

The inquiry looked at over 30 cases where Christians were penalised under the law for their beliefs. Jim Dobbin MP and Gary Streeter MP, both members of the group, told the Daily Telegraph that“the frequency and nature of such cases is significant and should be cause for concern. It shows that there is a narrowing of the space for the expression and demonstration of authentic Christian belief.”

Several Christian Legal Centre cases were looked at, including that of Gary McFarlane, who was sacked from his counselling job when he queried whether he may have a conscientious objection to giving sex therapy to homosexual men; and Shirley Chaplin, a former nurse from Exeter, who was barred from her job in a hospital for wearing a cross.

The report recommends that employers should ‘reasonably accommodate’ the Christian faith: “This is already a legal concept in some areas, and would help balance competing rights claims. Importantly, it would also see that religious liberty and identity is preserved by accommodating those who by their deeply held beliefs would prefer not to provide them certain good and services.”

Equality and Human Rights Commission

The report is critical of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), noting that it had invited secular humanist groups with “tiny” memberships to discussions intended for faith groups, which effectively shut down formal consultations with religious organisations.

The inquiry heard that the EHRC had been 'infiltrated’ by an anti-Christian bias. The report will call for it to be restructured to better represent religious belief.

The group was chaired by former junior Minister Gary Streeter, a Conservative MP. He said:

“Christians are not asking for special treatment, but we are looking for a level playing field and for sincerely held beliefs to be given equal space in our law and in our society.

“I hope the Government will take this report very seriously.”


Daily Mail: Harriet Harman’s equality law is anti-Christian and unacceptable

Daily Telegraph: Britain failing to stand up for Christians, says MPs

Daily Telegraph: We need reforms to protect the rights of Christians


Christian Concern: Religious Freedom