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Senior Bishop urges Christian MPs to stand for traditional marriage

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Roman Catholic Bishop Mark Davies has urged all MPs of “Christian conscience” to “resist the leadership of their own parties” and defend their belief in traditional marriage.

Although David Cameron has proposed to introduce homosexual marriage by 2015, it has been reported that as many as 100 Conservative members could rebel against the plans.

The Bishop of Shrewsbury, in a homily at the annual diocesan celebration of marriage, warned against the introduction of homosexual marriage, which he believes would undermine the Judeo-Christian foundations of British society:

“We face a mindset which sees progress only as a continuous shifting of our society further and further from its foundations until we have nothing left for family and society to be founded upon than changing, political fashions of thought.

“By attempting to redefine marriage for society, politicians will find they have not only undermined the institution of marriage but obscured its identity for generations to come.”

The Bishop also challenged non-believers to defend marriage, hoping that those resisting the plans will include “every parliamentarian who recognises the Judeo-Christian foundations on which our society rests”.

Bishop Davies adds his voice to other prominent senior clergymen who have recently spoken out against David Cameron’s plans, including Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali and the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu.

Opinion Poll

Critics have warned that David Cameron could lose a significant number of votes over the issue at the next election.

A recent opinion poll by Com Res found that 83% of the church-going public are against legalising homosexual marriage, and over half of respondents say that they will be less likely to vote Conservative if the party introduces the proposal.

Not one single respondent claimed that this move would make them more disposed to vote Conservative. A significant 93% of respondents were concerned that clergy would have to conduct homosexual marriages against their consciences.

A consultation on homosexual marriage is expected to be announcedby the Equalities Minister in March.


Daily Telegraph


Christian Concern: Religious Freedom

Christian Concern: Sexual Orientation