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Why the Election Matters: Parliamentarian as Law-Maker | Andrea Williams

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On 8 June the nation will vote for a new government. Now is the time to get praying and get involved, to make sure that your candidates know what matters most. Our elected politicians are our law makers. Andrea Williams writes.

Our Facebook feeds, twitter accounts, televisions and news outlets will soon be filled with endless stories about campaign promises and the significance of the upcoming elections.

Being so inundated by media can leave some voters feeling numb and apathetic. Other voters may feel that the election results are inevitable and might not see the urgent need to go out and vote.

When looking at why elections are important, we must remember what the job of our parliamentarians entails. Beyond being our political representatives, notably, they are also our law-makers; and we must never forget that law matters.

Law saves lives or takes them

Anyone who cares about life and death issues, or mediating institutions like the family, should care about how their candidate views and votes on certain topics.

On issues like abortion, euthanasia, and others, jurisprudence can either kill people or save lives.

For anyone who believes that to be an overstatement, they need look only to the statistic 8,500,000. That is the number of abortions that have happened in the United Kingdom since British law-makers, those we put into office, legalised abortion in 1967.

That number represents, by way of example, the current populations of Norway, Malta, Slovenia and Luxembourg combined.

Law improves lives or ruins them

The family has also been a casualty of the law.

The family is the most basic unit of civilisation. Christian theologians have called the family the 'primary cell' of human society. It would seem clear that the government has a legitimate interest in promoting a healthy marriage culture.

Yet the statistics regarding family since Queen Elizabeth II came to the throne are staggering. The law in that time has become a sword which has laid waste to the family, rather than a shield to protect it.

60 years ago, 4.8 percent of babies were born outside of wedlock. Today a staggering 46.8 percent of children are born outside of wedlock. In 1952, with a population of 50 million, there were 349,308 marriages. In 2014, despite the population being 15 million people larger, only 241,100 marriages took place. In 1952 divorce was rare, affecting only 33,992 people. Today, we are seeing divorces occurring at a rate more than 6 times that.

Out of control equality legislation which disproportionately targets Christians. Compulsory Relationships and Sex Education for children as young as 5. Eugenic reproductive technologies such as 'three-parent' babies. The erosion of free speech due to loosely worded 'hate' provisions.

These are all symptoms of bad legislation creating bad culture.

Choose life

It is often said that you can't legislate morality. But this is not true. All law legislates morality. The question is, is it God’s morality or man's morality?

When we go to the polls on 8 June, let us ask ourselves one question: whose morality is our future MP seeking to legislate? Man's, or God's?

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