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Writer under investigation for advert supporting marriage

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A Christian blog writer, who goes by the pseudonym “Archbishop Cranmer”, is under investigation by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) for posting an advert on behalf of the Coalition for Marriage.

The Coalition for Marriage is campaigning to preserve the current legal definition of marriage as between one man and one woman. Christian Concern is a leading member of the Coalition.

The investigation was launched after anonymous complaints were received against the blog for featuring the online advert which urged members of the public to sign the Coalition for Marriage petition.

The complainants, including the Jewish Gay & Lesbian Group, have described the advert as “offensive” and “homophobic”. The anonymous writer has now been given until 21 May to respond to the allegations. 

The writer behind the blog, which was ranked as the 24th most influential blog in the UK, commented: 

"This is nothing short of censorship. Nothing in the advert is factually incorrect or offensive. It is an advert to campaign to simply keep the law as it is. It is outrageous to suggest it is homophobic and the fact that the ASA are even considering such an allegation is ludicrous and displays evidence of a lack of even basic research by them before making the demand of Cranmer that they have done."

Critics have noted that the Chairman of the ASA is Lord Chris Smith of Finsbury, who is Vice President of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality and a leading supporter of same-sex marriage. He has previously been named by Pink News as being in the top 30 of the most powerful homosexual people in British politics.

It is not the first time that the ASA has acted against Christians. It recently upheld a complaint against a group of Christians in Bath and ordered them not to make any claims on their website or in literature which states that, by receiving prayer, people could be physically healed.

Freedom of Belief

The writer “Cranmer” is not the first person to be penalised for supporting the current legal definition of marriage since the national debate on same-sex marriage started.

Last week the Law Society banned a marriage event due to be held by the World Congress of Families, of which Christian Concern is a member, claiming that holding an event to discuss and support the current legal definition of marriage was contrary to ‘diversity’.

Anglican Lay Reader Peter Gowlland was recently suspended for two months by All Saints Church in Sanderstead for suggesting that congregation members should sign the Coalition for Marriage petition, which opposes any redefinition of marriage.

And Christian bus driver, Arthur McGeorge, is currently facing disciplinary action for circulating the same Coalition for Marriage petition at work during his lunch break.


Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, said:

“There is increasing hostility against those who hold that marriage is between a man and a woman. Holding to the current legal definition of marriage now appears to be classified as offensive and homophobic.

“How much worse will it get if same-sex marriage is actually introduced? Freedom of speech and freedom of belief are hanging by a thread.”


Archbishop Cranmer Blog


Sign the Coalition for Marriage petition here >

Respond to the Government’s consultation on same-sex marriage here >

Christian Concern: Religious Freedom