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At Christian Concern we campaign on a wide range of issues that impact our nation. We want to raise a Christian voice of truth and hope in these areas. If you browse the topics we address you will find information, media, news stories and resources that are available for your use.


December 11th, 2015 |
A Dutch researcher has uncovered evidence of women being mistreated in so-called sharia courts in the UK.
In a case highlighting the dangers of the government's 'extremism' strategy, a Christian street preacher will tomorrow appeal a public order conviction for using the 'wrong' Bible verse in public.
December 9th, 2015 | Freedom of Speech, Religious Freedom
Google chairman Eric Schmidt has suggested that technology similar to ‘spell-checkers’ should be used to stop the spread of ‘hate’ on the internet.
December 8th, 2015 | Not Ashamed, Religious Freedom
A vigil has been held in Bradford in support of Nissar Hussain, the Christian convert from Islam who was attacked outside his home last month, in what police are treating as a religious hate crime.
December 8th, 2015 | Social
A think tank has called for changes to the events and institutions of British public life, saying that they should reflect the “UK’s increasing diversity” and the “pluralist character of modern society”.
December 8th, 2015 | End of life, Social
A hospital trust has been forced to apologise for listing a patient’s Down’s syndrome and learning difficulties amongst justifications for a ‘do not resuscitate’ order.
December 8th, 2015 | Social
A 19-year-old woman has spoken out about the devastating impact of an 11-year-long addiction to pornography.
December 7th, 2015 | Education, Social, Sexual Orientation
A mother has spoken out on Facebook about the imposition of ‘LGBT’ week at her daughter’s school.
December 6th, 2015 | Education
Concerns have been raised about a government scheme to address the “under representation of certain groups” within the senior leadership of schools.
December 5th, 2015 | Education
In a poignant piece, commentator James Delingpole writes of his concern over the "indoctrination" of children in British schools.
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