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Britain has a history of religious freedom and tolerance. UK and European law largely protects an individual’s right to hold and manifest religious beliefs at work, although this is fast being eroded. Due to badly-written equality legislation, increasing numbers of Christians have been penalised for their faith at work. Some have been threatened with disciplinary action, suspended and even sacked for refusing to act against their consciences. At Christian Concern we vigorously resist any restrictions on freedom of speech and expression for Christians at work.

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36


  • March 28th, 2019
    Jordan Peterson has had his visiting fellowship at Cambridge University rescinded over a picture of him with someone wearing a T-shirt with the slogan “I’m a Proud Islamaphobe” [sic]. Does this mean that Jordan Peterson is an Islamophobe? What is an Islamophobe, and should any one accused of Islamophobia be barred from university? Tim Dieppe discusses what happened and what it shows about Jordan Peterson and Cambridge University.
  • March 27th, 2019
    On Monday 25 March, the question of the European Commission’s rejection of the most supported European Citizens’ Initiative in history came before the highest court in Europe. With the support of nearly 2 million EU citizens, ‘One of Us’ called for an end to EU funds being spent on oversees abortions and research, however its proposals were rejected purely because the Commission had an opposing ideological view.
  • March 22nd, 2019
    In a three-part series, Dr Joe Boot (Wilberforce Academy, Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity) argues that liberal democracy – the dominant view in political philosophy - is a form of heresy springing from beliefs that should not be held by Christians. In part three, Dr Boot looks at today’s model of liberal democracy and asks: will we stand with liberal-democratic heresy, or will we make our stand with Christ?
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