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Britain has a history of religious freedom and tolerance. UK and European law largely protects an individual’s right to hold and manifest religious beliefs at work, although this is fast being eroded. Due to badly-written equality legislation, increasing numbers of Christians have been penalised for their faith at work. Some have been threatened with disciplinary action, suspended and even sacked for refusing to act against their consciences. At Christian Concern we vigorously resist any restrictions on freedom of speech and expression for Christians at work.

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36


  • May 10th, 2019
    Last year, we asked you to participate in a government consultation on amending guidance for independent and faith schools to prevent teachers from defending a biblical view of marriage. Thanks to your action, the government has now amended its final guidance, which allows for Christian schools to continue to speak the truth about marriage and family.
  • May 9th, 2019
    Next week, the case of former magistrate Richard Page will be heard before the Employment Appeal Tribunal. Richard initially faced discipline for saying, in private, that a child does best with a mother and a father. Legal Counsel, Roger Kiska, comments on why this case “represents a watershed moment in the nation’s history.”
  • May 1st, 2019
    Following the recent controversy over the sacking of rugby player Israel Folau and the punishment of Billy Vunipola, Communications Officer, Rebekah Moffett, comments on how any view that criticises a homosexual lifestyle is increasingly being pushed out of the public square, and concludes that we must uphold Christians’ freedom of speech, even if their views are contrary to modern Western culture.
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