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Olive Jones, a supply teacher, was dismissed on the spot from her role after offering to pray for a child and her family. Mrs Jones had not been made aware of a previous instruction from the family that they would not welcome any discussions about faith. Following intervention by the CLC, and extensive media coverage, Mrs Jones was offered a similar position by the council; however she had already found work elsewhere.

Shirley Chaplin, an NHS nurse, was faced with disciplinary action after being told that she was no longer permitted to wear her cross while at work on health and safety grounds. The NHS Trust indicated that they would permit exemptions in their uniform policy for religious and cultural symbols that were ‘mandatory’ within the religion. An employment found that she had not been discriminated against on the basis of her religious beliefs.

Theresa Davies, a registrar with Islington Borough Council, was demoted from her job because of her refusal to preside over civil partnership ceremonies. Ms Davies believes that the Council discriminated against her because she is a Christian.

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