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In the News

  • On this week's episode of Voice for Values, ACL managing director Lyle Shelton packs-in two weighty interviews from his trip to Budapest, Hungary.

    In part one, Lyle chats with Lila Rose from pro-life organization Live Action about the defunding of Planned Parenthood in the USA and the work of the Centre for Medical progress in exposing the lies of abortionists. Lila shared with Lyle the work of Live Action in providing "smart, compelling, facts" for people around the world to educate about the horror of abortion.

    When asked about 9.5 million dollars of Australian Aid going to IPPF affiliates in the Pacific, and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop's attempt to say the money won't be provided for abortion, Lila said "if you give money to abortionists, you give money to abortion."

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  • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed legislation Tuesday to ban the gruesome second-trimester D&E abortion procedure, also known as dilation and evacuation. The procedure, during which an abortionist uses a sopher clamp to tear apart a preborn child limb from torso, is described below by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino.

    The procedure, which is an inhuman and violent act against a preborn child, is committed up to 24 weeks since a woman's last menstrual period. Texas is the eight state to prohibit the procedure, a step that is being praised by pro-life groups.

    "The Texas Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act is a vital step in protecting pregnant mothers and their unborn children from being subject to such a dehumanizing experience," said National Right to Life Committee State Legislative Director Ingrid Duran.

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  • A London Imam has said that there is not a single mosque in Britain that promotes extremism or violence.

    Imam Yunus Dudhwala, Head of Chaplaincy & Bereavement at Barts Health NHS Trust, told Yahoo News: 'To my knowledge, there is not a single mosque in the country that preaches hate, violence, or extremism.

    'It's the Internet. It's foreign policy, identity, and previous criminal behaviour that we need to address.'

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  • The Archbishop of Canterbury has boldly gone where other other religious leaders fear to tread, and politicians daren't hardly ever go. Cutting straight across the liturgical denials of those who preach that terrorists who blow themselves up crying 'Allahu Akbar!' are "not Muslims"; and those who believe that slicing people's throats on London Bridge shouting 'This is for Allah!' is "nothing to do with Islam", Justin Welby has sounded a trumpet from his holy mountain.

    On BBC Radio 4's Today programme, he was asked directly by Justin Webb about the origins and inspiration of what we now call Islamism or Jihadism: "But when politicians have told us, as they have done, this is nothing to do with Islam," Justin Webb ventured, "you're saying that is a mistake, it's a cul-de-sac, it's not getting us anywhere?"

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  • The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is warning that a new screening test for pregnant women, Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPT), which is due to be rolled out next year on the NHS, could lead to babies being aborted because they are the wrong gender or have other 'undesirable' characteristics.

    Professor Tom Shakespeare, chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics working group on NIPT, on 22 May said that: 'Abortions on the basis of sex appear to be rare in Britain. However, this could change with a new DNA testing method that allows the baby's sex to be revealed to prospective parents much earlier that the standard 18-20 week scan'.

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  • The mayor of Manchester, Andy Burnham, claimed in public that Salmen Abedi, the man who slaughtered children in the Manchester bombings was not a real Muslim.

    "The message that I would want to get over - and this is how the vast majority of people feel - this man was a terrorist, not a Muslim."

    But how does Mr Burnham know that? It appeared that it simply was not true. His friends who knew Salman say that the truth was different. They describe him as a devout Muslim who had even memorised the Koran.

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  • Scottish Anglicans are fighting off a split this week as they prepare to be the first British church to legalise gay marriage.

    In anticipation of the vote on Thursday in Edinburgh the conservative Anglican grouping GAFCON are expected to announce Rev Canon Andy Lines as a new 'missionary bishop' for Scotland, sources have told Christian Today.

    The move will come within hours of the vote, which is expected to pass on Thursday afternoon, and will trigger a rupture with Canon Lines offering alternative leadership for traditionalist parishes in Scotland who oppose gay marriages in church.

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  • Sajid Javid has insisted British Muslims must do more than simply condemn terror as he said they have a “unique burden” to tackle extremism after the London Bridge attack.

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  • One of the men believed to have carried out a deadly weekend attack in central London was a known radical Islamist who was filmed unfurling a black flag resembling the one used by the Islamic State group and raised the suspicion of a neighbor after allegedly trying to lure local youngsters to join his jihadist campaign.

    On Monday, British police identified that man, Khuram Shazad Butt, a 27-year-old Pakistan-born Briton, as one of the assailants, saying he was known to authorities, though they had no evidence he was planning an attack. They identified a second attacker who had not aroused suspicion prior to Saturday's rampage that killed seven people.

    As details about Butt emerged, however, they prompted questions of whether he could have been stopped sooner.

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  • This is a guest post by the Rev’d Dr Gavin Ashenden.

    The Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham claimed in public that Salman Abedi, the man who slaughtered children in the Manchester bombing, was not a real Muslim:
    “The message that I would want to get over – and this is how the vast majority of people feel – this man was a terrorist, not a Muslim.”
    But how does Mr Burnham know that? It appeared that it simply was not true. Salman Abedi’s friends, who obviously knew him well, say that the truth was different. They describe him as a devout Muslim who had even memorised the Koran.


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