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Conservatives urge Prime Minister to drop same-sex 'marriage' bill

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Conservative MPs are calling on David Cameron to drop his same-sex ‘marriage’ plans in order to halt the progress of UKIP.

According to The Times, the Prime Minister has been told that he must uphold traditional Tory values to prevent core Conservatives from abandoning him for Nigel Farage.

Fed up

Former Defence Minister, Sir Gerald Howarth, said that his constituents were “fed up to the back teeth” with the Government’s failure to carry out its promises.

He urged the Prime Minister to adopt a plan that would include ditching the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill, as well as taking Britain out of the European Convention on Human Rights and holding an EU referendum.


The warning comes following UKIP’s success at the ballot box last week which saw it gain almost one in four votes.

Conservative sources have said that the advance of UKIP could result in the party winning a by-election where there is no solid Labour seat, as well as topping the polls at the next general election.

Peter Bone, the Wellingborough MP, said that the government should scrap proposals to redefine marriage and cut overseas aid.  He added: “those are things that Conservatives want and that’s what UKIP voters want.” 

Vote loser

Andrea Minichiello Williams commented:

“Mr Cameron had been warned by Conservative party chairmen and other grassroots conservatives that his policy on same sex ‘marriage’ would cost the party votes. But he didn't listen and has now lost hundreds of local Conservative councillors up and down the country.

“Now that Conservative MPs are joining in perhaps the Prime Minister will start listening. He will need to if the Conservatives are to come anywhere near a majority at the next general election. The people have spoken and confirmed that the dilution of marriage is a vote loser”.


Times (£)
