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PM “running scared” on same sex marriage

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One of Britain’s leading Christian campaign groups has highlighted the significance of the absence of any mention of the government’s Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill in the Queen’s Speech on Wednesday (8 May).

After noting that the government’s bill was not mentioned in the speech, CEO of Christian Concern Andrea Minichiello Williams said that the Prime Minister is “running scared” on the policy.
“It’s notable that such a controversial piece of legislation should be left out of the Queen’s Speech,” she said.
“It appears that Mr Cameron is running scared on gay marriage.
“The local elections last week were disastrous for the Conservatives in large part due to the divisive nature of this policy. The voices calling for him to drop it are increasing in number and in volume, both inside and outside of his party.
“Perhaps the Prime Minister thinks that if he keeps quiet on the issue it will slip through unnoticed. But it cannot go unnoticed that there is now absolutely no mandate for this bill.
“Not only was it not mentioned in the Queen’s Speech today, it wasn’t mentioned in Her Majesty’s Speech last year either. Add to that the fact that it wasn’t in any major party’s manifesto, that it wasn’t in the Coalition agreement and that the consultation was a sham, and the undemocratic nature of this policy is plain for all to see.
“Government ministers don’t want to speak about it because they can’t defend it.
“The Conservatives’ campaign strategist has recently told them to ‘get the barnacles off the boat.’ Skirting the issue isn’t good enough. It’s time for the Prime Minister to do the right and honourable thing and throw this bill out of Parliament”.