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The positive impact of fathers

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The Atlantic magazine has published a feature highlighting the distinct and positive role played by fathers in the lives of their children.

By consulting relevant research in the field, Bradley Wilcox looks at the impact of fathers on children across a number of areas of development.

He says there is “a growing body of research suggesting that men bring much more to the parenting enterprise than money, especially today, when many fathers are highly involved in the warp and woof of childrearing. As Yale psychiatrist Kyle Pruett put it in Salon: ‘fathers don't mother.’”

House of Lords and new campaign

The article comes as the Government’s Marriage (Same Sex) Couples Bill enters the Committee stage in the House of Lords.

Last week, a group of parents and professionals launched a campaign focusing on the effect of the Bill on children and young people.   

The “Gay Marriage No Thanks” campaign argues that the Bill ignores the wellbeing of children who have a right to be raised by both biological parents.

It calls for the welfare of children to dominate the same sex ‘marriage’ debate which it says is currently “adult-focused and gender free”.


Read the feature in The Atlantic >

Find out more about the “Gay Marriage No Thanks” campaign >