Launch of Action Pack on Embryo Bill

CCFON/LCF launch ‘Action Pack’ on Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill
CCFON/LCF Launch ‘Action Pack’ on Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill
We believe the issues raised in this Bill are among the most important we will confront politically in our lifetime. We must apply real pressure at this point as the Bill passes from the House of Lords to the House of Commons. We must then continue to build and apply the pressure in the days and weeks to come. We have available a preliminary version of our ‘Action Pack’ on the HFE Bill. This pack gives you lots of information on the different aspects of the Bill and guidance on how to effectively lobby your MP at this stage. It also provides you with resources and materials to use in lobbying your MP. We will have more resources available in the coming days as the passage of the Bill unfolds.
Please use the following link to access the pack:
Cabinet ministers face difficulty over HFE Bill
Catholic cabinet ministers, such as Transport Secretary Ruth Kelly, Defence Secretary Des Browne and Welsh Secretary Paul Murphy, are finding themselves in a difficult position over the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill. Their religious beliefs mean they would have conscience problems voting in support of parts of this Government Bill, such as the creation of animal-human hybrids, removal of the need for a father, and further experimentation on embryos. Unfortunately, it seems the Government will place a whip on all aspects of the Bill (except abortion), rather than allowing a free vote on these important issues of conscience.
In these circumstances, Government ministers with objections to the Bill will be under considerable pressure to either take a neutral stance on the Bill, or simply to avoid being in Parliament on the days that votes take place.
Please write to these three Government ministers, saying that you agree with their ethical beliefs about the important of the dignity of the embryo and the protection of family values, and encouraging them to take a firm stance on these issues. Be positive and encouraging! Ask them to:
be bold in openly stating that they are against the unethical aspects of this Bill;
put pressure on the Government to allow a free vote on all issues of conscience (i.e. all issues affecting the dignity of the embryo and humanity, the status of fathers and abortion);
push for all these issues to be put to a Committee of the whole house, as they are important ethical issues that will deeply affect our nation.
As they are Government ministers anybody can contact these MPs (see email and postal addresses below), but if you happen to live in their constituency you can also lobby them as your personal representative in Parliament by contacting them at their constituency office by post, phone or in person. (All MPs hold ‘surgeries’ where their constituents can meet them to talk about issues they are concerned about. Contact the constituency office to arrange an appointment.)
Ruth Kelly is MP for Bolton West, and can be contacted via:
phone: 01204 693351
fax: 01204 693383
post: Studio 4, Horwich Business Centre, 86 Lee Lane, Horwich, Bolton, BL6 7AE or House of Commons, London, SW1A OAA
Des Browne is MP for Kilmarnock and Loudoun, and can be contacted via:
phone: 01563 520267
fax: 01563 539439
post: 32 Grange Street, Kilmarnock, KA1 2DD or House of Commons, London, SW1A OAA
Paul Murphy is MP for Torfaen, and can be contacted via:
phone: 01495 750078
fax: 01495 752584
post: 73 Upper Trosnant Street, Pontypool, Torfaen, NP4 8AU or House of Commons, London, SW1A OAA
If you are unsure who your MP is you can check by doing a quick search, using your postcode, on the website
HFE Bill in the House of Commons
Please also write to your MP to apply pressure on them to ask the Government to allow a ‘free vote’ on all matters of conscience in the Bill. This is particularly important if your MP is Labour, as they will be the MPs ‘whipped’ by the Government to vote for the Bill if a free vote is not given. MPs in marginal seats should also be targeted.
If you have not already signed the petition asking the Prime Minister to allow free votes on the embryology and fathers components of the Bill when considered by the House of Commons, please do so today! There are over 6,000 signatures on the petition but more are needed. Please use the link below to sign the petition.
Free Votes Petition
During the ‘Committee Stage’ in the House of Commons, a Bill can be handed to a Committee of the Whole House (all MPs) or to a Select Committee (just a few selected MPs) to be debated and voted on. It is crucial that all life issues within the HFE Bill are debated and voted on by a Committee of the Whole House and debated by all MPs and not given to a Select Committee. David Burrowes MP asked the Government about this on 28th February and was told that the Government will consider his point.
Passion for Life Public Meetings
Meetings to inform the public about the HFE Bill are taking place across the country. Those speaking include Lord Alton, Anne Widdecombe MP, Jim Dobbin MP, Nola Leach (CARE) and Dr Peter Saunders (Christian Medical Fellowship) amongst others. Many meetings have taken place already, but forthcoming ones include:
5th March – Cambridge: St Andrew's Street Baptist Church. 7.30pm
6th March – Torbay: St Paul's Church, Torquay Road, Preston, Paignton TQ3 2DH. 7.30pm
19th March - Enfield: Trinity at Bowes Methodist Church, Palmerston Road, London N22 8RA 8pm
27th March – Newcastle: St Mary's Cathedral. 7.30pm
2nd April – Poole: St Mary's Longfleet, Longfleet Road, Poole BH15 2JD. 7.30pm
4th April – Sheffield: City Church, The Jubilee Centre, Wilson Road, Hunters Bar, Sheffield, 7.30pm
Further dates will be announced on the Passion for Life website.
Passion for Life website
A video lasting 4 minutes called ‘Time to Draw the Line’ about the issues in the HFE Bill is available on the web. Please watch it, forward it to people you know and show it in your church and to your church groups to help raise awareness about the Bill.
Time to Draw the Line video
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority's decision "makes a mockery of Parliament"
MPs have expressed "dismay" that the fertility watchdog, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, granted licences to researchers to create animal-human hybrid embryos before the House of Commons has voted on whether the creation of these embryos is legal. In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, the MPs said the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority’s decision “makes a mockery of Parliament”.
The letter was signed by Jim Dobbin MP, Ian Gibson MP, Peter Lilley MP, Peter Kilfoyle MP, Michael Ancram MP, Damian Green MP, Frank Field MP, Sir Nicholas Winterton MP, Ann Widdecombe MP, Greg Mulholland MP and 30 others.
Telegraph article
MPs “Embryo hybrid experiments” Letter to the Telegraph 2008/03/03/nosplit/dt0301.xml#head2