Obama reverses funding ban on unethical embryonic stem cell research
US President Barack Obama has lifted George Bush’s ban on government funding for destructive research using stem cells from human embryos. He signed an executive order in a major reversal of US policy, pledging to ‘vigorously support’ new research and declaring that ‘science, not political ideology’ would guide his administration. US Congress is now expected to pass a similar measure.
This long-promised move will allow a storm of research aimed towards finding better treatment for ailments from diabetes to paralysis. ‘Scientists believe these tiny cells may have the potential to help us understand, and possibly cure, some of our most devastating diseases and conditions,’ President Obama said at the signing ceremony. Harvard Stem Cell Institute welcomed the move. The work may be funded with money intended to stimulate the US economy.
The research is controversial because days-old embryos must effectively be destroyed once stem cells are extracted for research. In 1995, the US Congress said that US Government’s funds would no longer be made available for research in which human embryos were destroyed. In 2001, the Bush Administration restricted funding to stem cell research on already existing stem cell lines, prohibiting the extraction of new stem cells from embryos.
John Boehner, the Republican leader in the House of Representatives, commented saying that President Obama has undermined ‘protections for innocent life, further dividing our nation at a time when we need greater unity to tackle the challenges before us’.
The decision of President Obama has also sparked fierce opposition from pro-life groups.
Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, said that Barak Obama ‘claimed he did not want to make a false choice between “sound science and moral values”. He does not need to. Adult stem cells have been proven to treat every single disease the President mentioned in his speech today, from Parkinson’s to diabetes, heart disease to spinal cord injuries.’
He added that the action of Mr Obama ‘will, in effect, allow scientists to create their own guidelines without proper moral restraints’.
‘President Obama’s executive order shows disrespect for the deeply held moral convictions of tens of millions of Americans by compelling taxpayers to fund this deadly experimentation.’
Cardinal Justin Rigali, chairman of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops' committee on pro-life activities, called Obama's decision ‘a sad victory of politics over science and ethics’.
‘This action is morally wrong because it encourages the destruction of innocent human life, treating vulnerable human beings as mere products to be harvested,’ he added.
Anthony Ozimic, SPUC political secretary, commented: ‘President Obama’s decision comes at a time when researchers have started to conclude that embryonic stem cell research is scientifically flawed and that alternative forms of stem cell research which don’t involve embryos are far more successful.
‘Yet he is ready to provide funds for scientists who will create and destroy human embryos with no regard to their human status, their rights and their dignity as fellow members of the human family.
‘By so doing, he reveals himself as a willing tool of a powerful lobby of vested interests among research companies and eugenicist academics. He promised a new approach to policy but embryonic stem cell research is yesterday’s bad idea, not tomorrow’s future.’
Since George W. Bush’s ban, scientists have sought ways to work with stem cells that avoid the ethical dilemmas associated with the embryonic stem cell research and destruction of embryo. Recently, British and Canadian scientists said that they had found a way to re-programme skin cells, effectively winding back the clock on the cells until they reached an embryonic form.
(See http://www.ccfon.org/view.php?id=695)
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