Peer criticises government obsession with embryonic research
Cross-bench Peer Lord Alton has criticised the Government's obsession with embryonic stem cell research in light of last week's announcement of pioneering cell transplant treatment that enabled a paralyed man to start walking.
Crucially, the therapy used adult cells and not embyronic stem cells. Use of embryonic cells involves the destruction of human persons whereas using adult cells raises no such ethical issues.
Lord Alton explained, "If more Government commitment had gone into the work which [Professor Geoff Raisman] has spearheaded using adult stem cells – instead of the cul-de-sac of experimenting on human embryos – treatments and cures would have been accelerated."
"... Even now, having destroyed or experimented upon more than three million human embryos political elites sound like long playing records with their needles stuck in a groove, as they insisted on backing everything from experiments on human embryos to the creation of animal human hybrid embryos."
Read more here (Catholic Universe)
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