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Explicit BBC sex education film sparks anger

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An MP has described a new sex education film produced by the BBC, and being used with primary school children as young as nine, as a “blue movie” which is “shattering the innocence of childhood”.

The CD-Rom, which has attracted complaints from parents who have described the film as “utterly wrong”, contains graphic images of male and female body parts, animated couples having sexual intercourse and detailed, age-inappropriate explanations.

Tory MP Andrea Leadsom, who has raised the matter with Parliament and is petitioning for movie-style ratings for sex education films, stated:

"Many of us will get a letter from the school saying, 'Your child will be shown a BBC sex education DVD' and we think, 'It must be all right — it's the Beeb'. But this material is explicit. It is shattering the innocence of childhood.

"I was embarrassed when I watched it. It was like a blue movie.

“Parents don't feel their views are being consulted. My son was shown it four years ago. I was told it was by the BBC and I was told it was called 'Living and Growing' and you just expect if it's by the BBC it will be okay.

“I was utterly shocked by it when I saw it.”

The BBC film will now be investigated by Education Minister Nick Gibb who said: "I'm taking these concerns seriously. I have asked to see the material before deciding what we should do next."

Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, said:

“Such explicit content is highly inappropriate and must not be forced on children. Sadly, we often see material like this used in schools.

“There is increasing pressure on schools to teach explicit sex education to ever younger age groups, yet this only encourages sexual experimentation, and leads to increased rates of unwanted teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. This is the result of putting political ideology above the welfare of children. Children need to be protected.”


The Daily Mail

The Christian Institute


Christian Concern: Education