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Awarding support for “the natural family”

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Andrea Williams has received the ‘Familias et Veritas’ award from the US-based World Congress of Families (WCF) for her work as CEO of Christian Concern and the Christian Legal Centre.

She won the award alongside Luca Volonte, Founder of Novae Terrae Foundation, Chairman of the Dignitatis Humanae Institute and former chairman of the EPP Group at the Council of Europe

The Congress’ 43 partners considered nominees including leaders, activists, scholars, authors, parliamentarians, lawyers and researchers on four continents before announcing the recipients of the awards in the May edition of WCF news [hyperlink to attachment].

The ‘Familias et Veritas’ award is presented to individuals for “building organisations and networks which support the natural family”. Andrea and other nominees will be presented with their 2013 awards at a WCF ceremony later this year.

The May edition of the WCF news also carries a front page banner headline on Christian Concern’s challenge to the Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles, to give evidence in court in support of Christian Concern’s case against the QEII Centre run by Mr. Pickles.

The  Centre  banned a conference discussing same-sex ‘marriage’ in the run-up to the Parliamentary vote on the redefinition of marriage. The magazine features a Page 4 article on the QEII case and links to a Christian Concern report called “the hypocrisy of the Cameron government” over claims about supporting Christianity.

Read the full article here >