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Heterosexual couples could be permitted to enter into civil partnerships under new proposals

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A former Government minister has tabled an amendment to the Government’s same-sex 'marriage' Bill to permit heterosexual couples to enter into a civil partnership instead of marriage.

MP Tim Loughton, who brought the proposals forward on Tuesday (12 March), is expecting the amendment to receive “widespread support” when it is voted on by MPs in the House of Commons.


However, the move has been criticised by supporters of traditional marriage who argue that it will weaken the institution of marriage even further.

Colin Hart, director of the Coalition for Marriage, said: “This is yet another amendment that pushes the redefinition of marriage beyond the consultation the Government has shifted its position constantly and this will report a further weakening of the institution of marriage.”

Prime Minister David Cameron indicated last month that he opposed the idea of civil partnerships being extended to heterosexual couples.

“I think we should be promoting marriage rather than looking at any other way of weakening it,” he said.

