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Minister admits no protection for teachers who will not promote same-sex 'marriage'

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Education Minister Liz Truss has indicated that teachers could be dismissed for refusing to promote same-sex ‘marriage’ should the Government press ahead with its proposals.

The comments were made in response to a letter written by MP David Burrowes to Culture Secretary Maria Miller, in which he sought clarification on the possible impact of redefining marriage on teachers.

Legal opinion

Mr Burrowes raised concerns that teachers could be penalised as a result of the Government’s plans to redefine marriage following a legal opinion provided by Human Rights barrister Aidan O’ Neill QC.

Mr O’Neill said that, should the law be changed, a teacher could be lawfully dismissed for refusing to use a textbook endorsing same-sex ‘marriage’ and that parents would have no right to withdraw their children from such classes.

Mr O’Neill concluded: “If the teacher refused to obey the otherwise lawful instructions of her employers then this would constitute grounds for her dismissal from employment.”     


Writing on behalf of the Government, Miss Truss said that schools will be under an obligation to behave in an “un-discriminatory” manner, but that it was impossible to comment on the effects of redefining marriage on teachers at this early stage.

Mr Burrowes said that the letter confirmed that schools will be required to promote same-sex ‘marriage’ to children, and failed to provide any reassurance that teachers will not be penalised for refusing to do so.  

He said: “The reality is that these questions that are raised which have not been fully answered mean that they have not been rebutted.”

“The fact that they have not been rebutted when we are so far down the line - the consultation will be coming out within the next weeks and no doubt the DfE has been consulted - now does raise more questions than answers.

“There is a big and serious question that gay marriage will undermine the liberty of conscience, that's a big question that will hang over the legislation.”

See also: Military chaplains could be dismissed for supporting marriage, warns former minister




Same-sex ‘marriage’ booklet >