Poll spun to apply pressure to Church of England on same-sex 'marriage'
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A new poll suggesting that more Anglicans in the United Kingdom support same-sex 'marriage' than oppose it has been roundly criticised for being presented in a deceptive manner.
The YouGov poll, which was commissioned by self-styled 'Anglican' and LGBT activist Jane Ozanne, purported to show that 45 per cent of Anglicans (of over 1500 surveyed) believe that same-sex ‘marriage’ is right, while 37 per cent believe it is wrong.
Ms Ozanne and others hailed this result as indicative of a shift in public opinion, as compared to a YouGov survey three years ago. At that time, 38 per cent of Anglicans said they supported same-sex 'marriage', while 47 per cent said they believed it was wrong.
Rev Peter Ould, a consultant statistician and Church of England priest, has joined others in questioning the accuracy of the way in which the poll has been represented.
Nominal Anglicans
In an interview with Premier Radio, Rev Ould pointed out the poll was spun as reflecting the opinions of members of the Church of England, when in fact this was not the case.
Participants were asked which religion they were affiliated with, and later which religious group or community they were involved with.
As Rev Ould pointed out, participants may have chosen simply to tick Anglican, rather than no religion. He suggests this nominal Anglicanism is a far cry from regular church attendance.
Rev Ould also points to the fact that 60 per cent of participants who identified as Anglican said they had no problem with pornography, 85 per cent said they believed sex before marriage was morally acceptable and one third said they had no issue with adultery.
He added:
"The question I'd like to ask the people who are using the result on same sex marriage to push that forward is, 'If you are happy that we should change our views on same sex marriage because of what these Anglicans think about that, why aren't you pushing that we change them on pornography, sex before marriage and adultery?'"
Poll a strategic manoeuver
Rev Ould suggested the poll was a strategic manoeuver to change minds in the midst of the Church of England’s ‘shared conversations’, a series of discussions on the issue of same-sex ‘marriage’. The Church's General Synod will also debate the issue of same-sex ‘marriage’ further in July.
Ms Ozanne, who is a member of the Church of England’s General Synod, claimed that she did not have an agenda when she commissioned the survey, saying she wanted to "find the truth".
Andrea Williams of Christian Concern has queried why Ms Ozanne felt the need to look for the truth through an opinion poll, when the Bible speaks clearly in this area. Andrea said:
"On closer inspection, the poll clearly reveals that the majority of those surveyed were not committed Anglicans – as demonstrated by their unbiblical views on adultery and pornography. Yet their opinions are presented as definitive of the Church of England!
"Ms Ozanne is trying to change core Christian teaching, implying that the Bible’s teaching is not as important as public opinion. In fact, Jesus here, as in every area of our lives, calls us to follow him in spite of what is popular or comfortable.
"We must bring our sexual brokenness to God and submit to his good pattern for humanity. That pattern, the Bible clearly teaches, is for sex to be celebrated only within a marriage between one man and one woman.
"This is the way God has designed for us to flourish, and we know that man-woman marriage provides the best framework within which to raise children. Marriage also provides us with a beautiful picture of Christ’s sacrificial love for the Church."
Related News:
Christian Concern supporter speaks up for marriage
Watch Andrea Williams speak of the great and beautiful truth of marriage on Channel 4 News
Related Coverage:
The YouGov poll on same-sex marriage (Psephizo)
Campaigner stands by same sex marriage poll despite wave of criticism (Premier)
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