"Nobody is born that way", gay historians say

American journalist, David Benkof, has published an essay concluding that scholarly research on homosexuality indicates ‘gayness’ is much more socio-cultural than biological.
He has interviewed leading scholars of homosexual history and anthropololgy, almost all LGBT themselves, and reports that they have decisively concluded that ‘gayness’ is a product of Western society originating about 150 years ago.
He says the scholars he met were dismayed or appalled by the idea that being homosexual was “hard-wired” or innate.
Journalists hunt for ‘gay gene’
David Benkof is a journalist, teacher and writer who argues in his essay entitled, “Nobody is ‘born that way’, gay historians say”, that journalists trumpet every biological study that even hints that ‘gayness’ might be hard-wired.
But, he argues, journalists “show little interest in the abundant social-science research showing that sexual orientation cannot be innate”.
He emphasises that “while biology certainly plays a role in sexual behaviour, no ‘gay gene’ has been found.
Gay ideology dismissed
Benkof reports that according to experts on homosexuality across centuries and continents, being ‘gay’ is a relatively recent social construction. “Few scholars with advanced degrees in anthropology or history who concentrate on homosexuality believe ‘gays’ have existed in any cultures before or outside ours, much less in all cultures.” He says these professors work closely with an ever-growing body of knowledge that directly contradicts “born that way” ideology.
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