Prime Minister to fast track laws on same-sex 'marriage'
David Cameron and Nick Clegg are reportedly aiming to fast-track laws to introduce same-sex ‘marriage’ in the face of growing opposition to the proposals, the Daily Mail has reported.
The Prime Minister had previously said that the plans were likely to become law at some point “before 2015”, but MPs could vote on the issue within weeks from now.
A senior source told the Daily Mail: “The Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister have agreed to get on with it.
“It was in danger of slipping beyond the General Election. David Cameron’s view of this is ‘get it done and get it done quickly”.
A Bill on the issue is expected to be brought before Parliament in the New Year.
Critics are likely to view the move as an attempt by the Government to “lance the boil” since the proposals have been opposed by a number of Conservative MPs and religious leaders.
A recent poll by ComRes revealed that 65 per cent of voters believe that the legislation is being pushed through to make the Conservative party look more “trendy”.
62 per cent of voters and 68 per cent of Tories said they believe that “marriage should continue to be defined as a life-long exclusive commitment between a man and a woman”.
It is expected that the Liberal Democrats will oblige their MPs to vote in favour of the change. The legislation will almost definitely pass if similar backing is received from the Labour Party.
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