10 years of championing life

As we celebrate ten years of Christian Concern, we're looking back and giving thanks for just some of what God has enabled us to do together.
Our unique combination of Christian grassroots campaigning and legal, media, and parliamentary experience has made a difference in challenging the culture of death and championing life in its place.
As Christian Concern was getting off the ground in 2008, we were resisting dangerous provisions in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill - which opened the door to animal-human hybrids and removed the 'need for a father' from consideration when providing fertility treatment.
Through the years we have laboured to keep the church vocal on the issue of abortion - marking a number of anniversaries through events such as Choose Life (2010), Make Abortion History (2011) and the 45th and 50th anniversaries of the passing of the Abortion Act - not to mention speaking at churches all around the UK to raise awareness.
But we haven't just talked about life issues - the Christian Legal Centre has supported a number of challenges to the culture of death: helping reveal certain abortion statistics (2011), maintaining the freedom of pro-life campaigners (2012) and assisting the private prosecution of doctors who offered sex-selective abortions (2015).
And it's not just about the beginning of life - we've been there at the heart of campaigns to defend the current law against seemingly-endless attempts to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia.
From key legal cases such as Purdy (2009), Nicklinson (2013) and Conway (2017) to parliamentary pushes such as the Coroners & Justice Bill (2009), Falconer (2013) and Marris (2015), Christian Concern has been central in campaigning to uphold the value of all life, made in God's image - also supporting challenges from the pro-life perspective from people like Nikki and Merv Kenward (2017).
Those promoting the culture of death are active in every area of society - pushing narratives in the media, active in Parliament and constantly starting legal challenges. We as Christians need to be in all of these areas, making God's message of life heard.
By God's grace we have been a thorn in the side of those who love death. But there's much more work still to be done. We need to develop a culture of life in society. Find out more about making a difference in the next ten years as we give thanks and praise on Saturday 20th October.
And if you can't make it on the day, please keep running the race with us, supporting us with prayers and donations so that we can make the biggest possible difference in the next ten years.
Read more
Read about 10 years of mobilising the Church
Read about 10 years of championing Christian foundations
Read about 10 years of sharing good news
Read about 10 years of championing marriage and family