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Church and State

What role should the Church play in public life? Some think that the decline of the Church in UK culture means we should keep our opinions to ourselves and allow rival worldviews to run society. But we are convinced that Jesus Christ, and his pattern for life, is not only the right way to live, but the best way to live. The Church should be confident in speaking into matters of policy and law, for the good of all.


  • December 6th, 2018
    Nowadays, Christmas can seem very disconnected from its roots. The humble beginnings of our Saviour Jesus Christ can all too easily get lost in the manic present-buying, stress-cooking and last-minute-wrapping that we’re all too familiar with. The message is so easily forgotten; but it is one that brings life, joy and freedom, and it’s one that we’re told to share with the world.
  • December 6th, 2018
    The All-Party Parliamentary Group, Christians in Parliament are running an inquiry into ‘Being a Christian in the UK Today’. The group is concerned with what it is like to live as a Christian in the UK in 2018, and there is scope for churches or organisations to respond as well as individuals.
  • December 4th, 2018
    On 19 July 2018, the Joint Committee of Human Rights, appointed by the House of Lords and House of Commons, issued a report entitled Enforcing human rights. The report highlighted the Joint Committee’s concern that there is a significant disconnect between what the law says and how it is being applied, leaving entire segments of the population feeling like they cannot access justice.
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