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Church and State

What role should the Church play in public life? Some think that the decline of the Church in UK culture means we should keep our opinions to ourselves and allow rival worldviews to run society. But we are convinced that Jesus Christ, and his pattern for life, is not only the right way to live, but the best way to live. The Church should be confident in speaking into matters of policy and law, for the good of all.


  • December 11th, 2018
    Christian Concern's chief executive Andrea Minichiello Williams, who is a lay member of the Church of England's General Synod, responds to new Church of England guidance on how to formally recognise and 'celebrate' a person's gender transition.
  • December 7th, 2018
    Lord Pearson began a discussion in the House of Lords this week with an oral question on religious hate speech. During the debate, the government minister was asked if someone proclaiming the uniqueness of Jesus or the divinity of Allah could be arrested for hate speech. The minister did not deny that someone could be arrested for such proclamations. Tim Dieppe discusses the debate and the unwillingness of the government to state that no one should be arrested for preaching the gospel.
  • December 7th, 2018
    Dr Joe Boot, the Director of Christian Concern’s Wilberforce Academy, is a pastor in Toronto and the founder of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity. He writes from his context in Canada on the values and freedoms that were held and fought for by soldiers in the first and second world wars and asks if our populations would still make the same sacrifices today.
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