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Church and State

What role should the Church play in public life? Some think that the decline of the Church in UK culture means we should keep our opinions to ourselves and allow rival worldviews to run society. But we are convinced that Jesus Christ, and his pattern for life, is not only the right way to live, but the best way to live. The Church should be confident in speaking into matters of policy and law, for the good of all.


  • January 2nd, 2019
    Professor Andrew Sandlin, founder and president of the Center for Cultural Leadership, discusses the errors in resignation theology and challenges Christians to resist evil – if God resists sin, we should also.
  • December 20th, 2018
    Professor Andrew Sandlin, founder and president of the Centre for Cultural Leadership, writes about how this Christmas Christians will celebrate the incarnation of Jesus, while the world is absorbed in 'excarnation' - a word that describes the modern inclination to limit all the significant issues of reality to the mind.
  • December 12th, 2018
    Senior Church of England Bishops have announced they want to begin an inquiry into ‘gay cure’ therapy amid calls to ban it for being ‘harmful’ and ‘dangerous’.
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