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Church and State

What role should the Church play in public life? Some think that the decline of the Church in UK culture means we should keep our opinions to ourselves and allow rival worldviews to run society. But we are convinced that Jesus Christ, and his pattern for life, is not only the right way to live, but the best way to live. The Church should be confident in speaking into matters of policy and law, for the good of all.


  • October 15th, 2018
    At Christian Concern, we’re convinced that the best possible way to live is by following Jesus in every area of our lives. And it’s just as true for societies. The UK has a long and deep Christian heritage; in its laws, its traditions and its institutions. It’s those Christian foundations that have helped the UK flourish – albeit imperfectly – for centuries.
  • October 12th, 2018
    Roger Kiska, of the Christian Legal Centre, comments on how political correctness and preventing offence seem to be more culturally valued than safeguarding children from sexual victimisation. He looks in greater detail at the sexual abuse scandal within the Catholic Church and asks how we might prevent future abuse if stating the facts is, nowadays, deemed as hateful.
  • October 8th, 2018
    The wonderful good news of Jesus lies at the heart of our ministry. It’s Christ's love that compels us to keep going, knowing that the gospel is the power of God for salvation (Rom 1:16).
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