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Church and State

What role should the Church play in public life? Some think that the decline of the Church in UK culture means we should keep our opinions to ourselves and allow rival worldviews to run society. But we are convinced that Jesus Christ, and his pattern for life, is not only the right way to live, but the best way to live. The Church should be confident in speaking into matters of policy and law, for the good of all.


  • October 26th, 2018
    Christian Concern co-founder and chief executive, Andrea Williams, has challenged UK Christians to “build a movement of people passionate to see Jesus at the heart of society”, as the campaign organisation celebrates its first ten years.
  • October 26th, 2018
    Andrea Williams comments on the Church of England’s response to the government consultation on changing the Gender Recognition Act and calls the church to hear God’s cry to publicly repent.
  • October 22nd, 2018
    As the Church goes, so goes the culture. Sweeping changes to our nation’s moral and social landscape have coincided with a decline in the Church’s witness. Our culture is confused and there’s a huge need for clear and compassionate Christian witness to provide hope and direction. We’re dedicated to helping the Church recover her voice and speak with confidence on the issues of the day.
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