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Over recent years, and often due to equality legislation, Christians have found it increasingly difficult to be accepted as foster parents. Equality and diversity policies put in place by local authorities state that the sexuality of children in care should be respected and this has been interpreted to mean that potential foster carers must agree that homosexual behaviour is normal and support a child’s choice to embrace that lifestyle. At Christian Concern we stand for the right of Christian parents to foster children and not to have to compromise their beliefs in order to do so. We hope that many children will find Christian homes.


  • March 4th, 2011
    There has been huge media interest regarding the Johns ruling by the High Court. There has also been some confusion over the nature and implications of the ruling.
  • February 28th, 2011
    In a landmark judgment, which will have a serious impact on the future of fostering and adoption in the UK, the High Court has suggested that Christians with traditional views on sexual ethics are unsuitable as foster carers, and that homosexual ‘rights’ trump freedom of conscience in the UK.
  • February 1st, 2011
    This week, long-running children’s charity Barnardo’s held its annual Fostering and Adoption Week. To coincide with the week, Barnardo’s has released the results of a poll it commissioned in order to highlight what it sees as some concerning social attitudes towards the parenting skills of homosexuals: one in three people do not think that homosexual couples are able to parent as well as heterosexual couples.
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