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Our Issues

At Christian Concern we campaign on a wide range of issues that impact our nation. We want to raise a Christian voice of truth and hope in these areas. If you browse the topics we address you will find information, media, news stories and resources that are available for your use.


January 5th, 2010 | Social
A report warns that the United Kingdom’s drinking culture is costing the country’s health service £2.7 billion a year.
January 5th, 2010 | Family
A senior Tory politician has promised that the Conservative Party will recognise marriage in the tax system if the party wins the next election.
January 4th, 2010 | Sexual Orientation
A former lesbian, who subsequently became Christian and completely renounced the homosexual lifestyle, is forced by US Court to give up custody of her 7-year-old biological daughter and told by the po
December 21st, 2009 | Employment, Religious Freedom
A Christian teacher has been dismissed from her job after discussing her faith with a mother and her sick child and offering to pray for them.
December 16th, 2009 | Employment, Religious Freedom
On 15 December 2009, Duke Amachree's internal appeal was dismissed by Wandsworth Council.  
December 16th, 2009 | Employment
On 8th December 2009, Theresa Davies, Deputy Registrar with Islington Borough Council, attended an internal appeal hearing in relation to the Council’s decision to demote her because of her
December 15th, 2009 | Religious Freedom
Today, 15 December 2009, the Court of Appeal ruled against a Christian Registrar who refused to conduct homosexual civil partnership ceremonies because it contravened her conscience as a Christian.
December 10th, 2009 | Sexual Orientation
The Evangelical Alliance (Ireland) has issued a statement encouraging Evangelical Christians to support the new Civil Partnerships Bill 2009, which extends the rights and privileges of marriage to hom
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