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Since the introduction of the Abortion Act 1967, there have been over 7 million abortions in the UK. This is a tragedy. As well as the loss of life it has led to a general disregard for the sanctity of life in society. In addition, there is accumulating evidence of the serious consequences of abortion on mothers including potential damage to their physical and mental health. At Christian Concern we resist abortion and aim to inform women of its dangers. We believe that every unborn child should have their right to life protected.


  • January 17th, 2018
    The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) Scotland has indicated it will be taking legal action against the Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer over the Scottish Governments plan to allow women to take abortion pills at home.
  • January 11th, 2018
    A primary vocal opponent of decriminalising abortion has been appointed the new Conservative vice chair for women, provoking lobbyist outrage. Regan King comments.
  • January 4th, 2018
    Britain’s second largest abortion provider has closed its clinic in Belfast, Northern Ireland, meaning that abortions are no longer available in the province outside of NHS hospitals. Bernadette Smyth of the Northern Irish pro-life group Precious Life celebrated the closure of the Marie Stopes International clinic as "a massive prolife victory."
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