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Life and Bioethics

Every human being is created in the image of God, and is therefore sacred and to be respected as valued and loved by God. Abortion, embryonic research, euthanasia, and assisted suicide are just some of the current ways in which human life in God’s image is being devalued in our society. We campaign for human life, particularly at its most vulnerable, to be protected in law from the point of conception until the point of natural death.

“Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
    the days that were formed for me,
    when as yet there was none of them.”
Psalm 139:16


  • April 10th, 2019
    Last month, the Royal College of Physicians announced that it would drop its formal stance of opposition to assisted suicide and adopt a neutral stance on the subject. Now, several top committee members have resigned following the controversial move. Tim Dieppe comments on the controversial process involved in their change of stance.
  • April 5th, 2019
    Representing Christian Concern, Carys Moseley was invited to give oral evidence at the Human Resource and Social Development Committee of the Parliament of Jamaica at the end of March 2019. Here, she explains what Jamaica can learn from the legalisation of abortion in Britain and how Britain could learn from Jamaica about standing up for the sanctity of life.
  • March 27th, 2019
    On Monday 25 March, the question of the European Commission’s rejection of the most supported European Citizens’ Initiative in history came before the highest court in Europe. With the support of nearly 2 million EU citizens, ‘One of Us’ called for an end to EU funds being spent on oversees abortions and research, however its proposals were rejected purely because the Commission had an opposing ideological view.
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