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Government under fire from think-tank over family policy

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The Coalition Government has scored just two out of ten on its family policy by a leading independent think tank.

The report, issued this week by the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), criticises David Cameron for failing to keep his pre-election promises, which included making Britain “the most family-friendly country in Europe”.

In 2007 the CSJ published a report, commissioned by David Cameron when he was in opposition, which stated that root problems must be addressed if “broken Britain” was to be fixed. One of the areas it identified as crucial to addressing poverty was family policy. However, the report says that the new Coalition Government has simply followed in the footsteps of the previous Labour Government by engaging in “efforts to pick up the pieces after relationships have broken down rather than expand services designed to prevent family breakdown”.

Before he came into office, the current Prime Minister vowed to introduce a tax break for married couples. Thus far the Government has failed to introduce this measure, the report suggesting that the idea had “moved off radar”.

The report says: “Some of the vital measures committed to by the Conservative Party in opposition appear to have been watered down during Coalition negotiations”.

Although the CSJ recognises that marriage is not a “magic bullet,” it stresses the clear evidence that children do better when born to married parents and are far less likely to experience poverty.

The current report is expected to place pressure on the Prime Minister to put more ‘family values’ policies into action.

Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, said:

“Children prosper in families where the mother and father are committed to one another in marriage. It’s important that the Government supports marriage and family through its policies in order to secure a stable future for our society.

At a time when family breakdown is rife, with all of the subsequent resulting societal problems, it is vital that the causes of family breakdown are addressed. The CSJ has done the Government a service in highlighting this urgent need and pointing out its failure to move Britain towards being the most family-friendly country in Europe.

I hope the Prime Minister and his Coalition Government will carefully consider this report and implement policies based on its assessment.”


The Centre for Social Justice


Daily Mail

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