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At Christian Concern we campaign on a wide range of issues that impact our nation. We want to raise a Christian voice of truth and hope in these areas. If you browse the topics we address you will find information, media, news stories and resources that are available for your use.


October 3rd, 2011 | Sexual Orientation
The Identity and Passport Service (IPS) has announced that it will make changes to its passport application form in response to pressure from homosexual activists. The new form, to be introduced by December this year, will carry the option of ‘parent 1’ and ‘parent 2’ in addition to ‘mother’ and ‘father’.
October 3rd, 2011 | Family
The Work and Pensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, has urged the Prime Minister today to recognise marriage in the tax system in an effort to encourage ‘couple formation’ and stable families. The Prime Minister had pledged to introduce a tax incentive for married couples before the last election but has not, as yet, implemented the policy.
September 29th, 2011 | Social
Yesterday (29 September) Bedford Council threw out an application made on behalf of the ‘Saints and Sinners’ nightclub to allow lap dancing/sex entertainment to take place on the second floor of its venue.
September 28th, 2011 | Education, Social
A new report issued by the Family Education Trust has highlighted that some primary schools are being forced to teach sex education in order for them to be considered an official ‘Healthy School.’ The National Healthy Schools Programme was set up by the previous government in 1999 in order to encourage healthy behaviour and reduce health inequalities. Schools receive the Healthy Schools award if they meet certain criteria.
September 28th, 2011 | End of life
The High Court ruled today (28 September) against an application for the withdrawal of food and water from a vulnerable woman called 'M', who is in a ‘minimally conscious state’. M suffered severe brain damage in 2003 and has been cared for since that time.
September 27th, 2011 | Religious Freedom
A Christian cafe owner in Blackpool has been told to stop displaying Bible verses on a TV screen in his café and threatened with arrest. Jamie Murray, the owner of Salt and Light cafe, was approached by police last Monday, 19thSeptember, after they had received a complaint that some of the verses were “homophobic” and “insulting.”
September 23rd, 2011 | Religious Freedom
A GMC Investigatory Committee has decided today (23 September) to continue to pursue the case against Dr Richard Scott, the Kent GP accused by a patient of sharing his faith in a one-to-one consultation, despite the witness not being at the hearing and showing an ‘unconditional disinclination to attend’.
September 23rd, 2011 | Religious Freedom
A couple in California have been fined after holding Bible studies twice a week in their spacious home in Southern California. According to City officials in San Juan Capistrano, Chuck and Stephanie Fromm are in violation of a municipal code which prohibits “religious, fraternal or non-profit” organisations in residential neighbourhoods without a permit.
September 21st, 2011 | End of life
The MP for Suffolk Coastal, Dr Therese Coffey, has presented a Ten Minute Rule Bill in parliament that would guarantee access to food and water for those who are terminally ill. She said: "Decisions taken to remove nutrition and hydration are not easy.
September 19th, 2011 | Sexual Orientation
The Home Office has begun a consultation on whether to introduce passports in which the holder does not need to state their gender as male or female. The new plans would introduce an ‘X’ for everybody under the ‘sex’ category on their passports. Under current regulations, each passport holder must identify as male or female.
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