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Our Issues

At Christian Concern we campaign on a wide range of issues that impact our nation. We want to raise a Christian voice of truth and hope in these areas. If you browse the topics we address you will find information, media, news stories and resources that are available for your use.


June 7th, 2016 | Abortion
A parliamentary inquiry is to be held to assess whether healthcare professionals who do not wish to participate in the provision of abortions are given adequate protection.
Prime Minister David Cameron has said the use of Prevent to ban a Christian Union from meeting on college premises is "ludicrous", and called those making judgments to use their "common sense".
June 7th, 2016 | Family, Social, Religious Freedom
A Christian mother and father will soon be reunited with their five children, after Norwegian authorities have agreed to return the children to their parents.
A Christian union has been banned from holding meetings on college premises, as a result of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy Prevent.
A number of prominent Christian groups have today issued a joint statement and call to action over Welsh Government proposals to register and inspect church youth work.
In this piece, Tim Dieppe comments on news that the EU is to collaborate with major social media platforms in removing anything deemed 'hate speech'.
June 3rd, 2016 | Family, Social
Children whose parents are married have higher self-esteem, greater acceptance and increased life chances, a think-tank study has concluded.
June 3rd, 2016 | Social
Christian Concern's Director of Islamic Affairs, Tim Dieppe, comments on the admission this week from Aaqil Ahmed, BBC's Head of Religion and Ethics, that Islamic State is Islamic in its doctrine.
June 3rd, 2016 |
In this piece, Tim Dieppe discusses findings of radicalisation and sharia courts operating in UK prisons.
June 3rd, 2016 | Abortion
An Early Day Motion has been tabled calling for the immediate resignation of Cathy Warwick, Chief Executive of the Royal College of Midwives.
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