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Family and Sexual Ethics

The family is the most foundational building block for society. The loving union of one man and one woman is the normal God-given context for children to be born and raised. This pattern for married life has been under attack for all of human history. Divorce, homosexuality and transsexualism are three of the most significant challenges to God’s pattern for family in today’s society.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27


  • January 30th, 2019
    If the truth about our broken family culture concerns us, we must be willing to hear the 'controversial' truth that children do best with a mother and a father. The Christian Legal Centre's Roger Kiska looks into Richard Page's case to see the impact of political correctness on children, and concludes that if you hold a view that is out of step with culture, you may not be free to express it.
  • December 14th, 2018
    A report this week on BBC Radio 4’s 'The World Tonight' examined the rise of ‘co-parenting’. Rebekah Moffett, communications officer at Christian Concern, comments on the impact that ‘co-parenting’ could have on society.
  • December 14th, 2018
    Claiming that a child would be better off with a mother and a father than with two men is now state heresy argues Tim Dieppe as he discusses the case of Richard Page who was dismissed as a magistrate by the Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice in 2016 for stating exactly that. Mr Page has now won the right to appeal this shocking decision. When judges are dismissed for breaching state orthodoxy and trying to protect children we are in totalitarian territory.
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