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Family and Sexual Ethics

The family is the most foundational building block for society. The loving union of one man and one woman is the normal God-given context for children to be born and raised. This pattern for married life has been under attack for all of human history. Divorce, homosexuality and transsexualism are three of the most significant challenges to God’s pattern for family in today’s society.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27


  • February 1st, 2019
    When same-sex marriage was passed, provisions were included to stop clergy from having to solemnise the ceremonies. Today, the House of Lords debated an amendment to remove this key protection. Although the Bishop of Chelmsford opposed the amendment, he spoke about the CofE working closely with Stonewall and held out the prospect that church doctrine on homosexuality could change. After the government opposed the amendment, it was withdrawn. Tim Dieppe analyses the debate.
  • February 1st, 2019
    This week, a man was investigated by Humberside Police Force for sharing a poem that denied transgender ideology. Carys Moseley looks into the impact that this investigation could have on society, calling it the lastest example of policing ‘thoughtcrime’.
  • January 31st, 2019
    The new Wilberforce Publications title, Same-Sex Parenting Research: A Critical Assessment, launched in London on Tuesday 29th January 2019. The new research supports the 'controversial' claim that 'children do best with a mother and a father'.
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