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At Christian Concern we campaign on a wide range of issues that impact our nation. We want to raise a Christian voice of truth and hope in these areas. If you browse the topics we address you will find information, media, news stories and resources that are available for your use.


The three main parties are losing the confidence of the people. In a recent entry in his blog Douglas Carswell said: “We are governed by tiny cliques, each competing to sit on the sofa in Downing Street - and none of them much in tune with the country over which they preside.”
Conservative evangelical group, Reform, has urged its members to boycott the Church of England’s ‘facilitated conversations’ on human sexuality, saying the views of those who are committed to the Church’s official teaching have been sidelined, undermining the credibility of the process.
More than 250,000 people took to the streets in Paris on Sunday to express their opposition to "anti-family" proposals in France, including plans to legalise medical procedures that will allow same-sex couples to have children.
Over 300 signatories, including 160 priests and members of the General Synod, have signed an open letter to bishops in the Church of England asking them to “come out” and “openly acknowledge” their feelings of same-sex attraction.
October 8th, 2014 | Social
A primary school in Newhaven, East Sussex is requiring children aged 3-11 to share ‘gender-neutral’ toilets in a bid to ‘prevent transphobia’.
October 7th, 2014 | Family
The number of female entrepreneurs entering pre-nuptial agreements has risen sharply in the wake of a Supreme Court ruling allowing the contracts to be given more weight in England and Wales for the first time.
October 7th, 2014 | Family, Same-Sex 'Marriage'
The US Supreme Court this week declined to review federal court appeals from five states seeking to uphold the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.
October 6th, 2014 | Bioethics
This week, leading international scientists will warn a Parliamentary inquiry that the Government’s 3-parent baby plan raises serious public safety concerns and should not be permitted to go ahead.
October 3rd, 2014 | Religious Freedom
The Conservative Party has announced its proposals to scrap the Human Rights Act 1998, and end the ability of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to order changes to British laws.
This party conference season our political class looks very unconvincing.
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