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Our Issues

At Christian Concern we campaign on a wide range of issues that impact our nation. We want to raise a Christian voice of truth and hope in these areas. If you browse the topics we address you will find information, media, news stories and resources that are available for your use.


September 19th, 2013 | Abortion
50 MPs have written a joint letter to the Attorney General supporting calls for an urgent review of the decision by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) not to prosecute doctors involved in illegal sex selection abortions.
September 13th, 2013 | End of life
Baroness Finlay, Co-Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group Dying Well, has highlighted the importance of considering the views of medical professionals in the debate surrounding physician assisted suicide.
September 12th, 2013 | Abortion
A cross-bench peer has accused the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) of double standards after it approved charges against a number of pro-life campaigners but refused to prosecute two doctors who arranged illegal sex-selection abortions.
September 12th, 2013 | Abortion
This week, the pan-European ‘One of Us’ initiative secured its one millionth signature, with the prospect of a total ban on controversial EU funding for Human Embryo research moving a step closer as a result.
September 12th, 2013 | Bioethics
Scientists in Spain have reverted living animal tissue back into an embryonic state for the first time, according to a study published in the scientific journal Nature.
September 11th, 2013 | Social
Street pastors have been commended by Shropshire’s fire chief for their “immense” contribution in reducing the number of river deaths in Shrewsbury.
September 10th, 2013 | International Persecution
Syrian rebels – including those linked to Al-Qaeda – have violently attacked the Christian village of Maaloula, ordering residents to convert to Islam or “be beheaded”.
September 10th, 2013 | Family
Lord Lawson has called for married couples to be recognised in the tax system, saying that the policy was the “most cost effective” way of helping poor families.
September 6th, 2013 | Abortion
Labour’s Shadow Attorney General, Emily Thornberry MP, has written to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) calling for an “urgent review” of the decision of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) not to prosecute two doctors who organised illegal sex-selective abortions.
September 6th, 2013 | Freedom of Speech, Religious Freedom
At Christian Concern, we recently sent our supporters a letter highlighting the arrests of Christian street preachers.
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